Wednesday, August 5, 2009

At least she picked a good one....

What do you do when you can't get your 2 1/2 year old to take off her shirt.....that she's been wearing for 2 days? It also happens to be the shirt my mom bought when I was a Top Ten Apple Blossom candidate my senior year of high school. Good choice, kid!
She hasn't been feeling so well, so I will let it go, but I am sure she looked like a feral child when we went to Old Navy and Toys 'R Us on Tuesday.
How can you say no to that face??


  1. How the heck did you fit into that shirt your senior year? And she is just too cute to say no to.

  2. It's a kid size, I didn't fit into it! :) My mom bought it and saved it for my future kid! Gracie used to wear it once in awhile too! At the time I thought it was weird she bought it, but now I'm glad.

  3. What a cutie! I love that shirt! I saved it for 7 years until the girls could wear it. See, I thought you would think it cute on the girls.



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