(Notice the 6?)I know this is a little overdue, but my little baby girl turned 6 on the 6th! Haha, 6 on the 6th! Anyway, for her actual birthday we just had a low key day. For dinner, she requested pancakes and the works for breakfast. So we decided to invite the Maasen's over to eat and celebrate!

Gracie and Kaelyn eating their breakfast for dinner

The kids played dress up for a majority of the night

Dagan even got in on the fun!

Birthday cupcakes were also requested by the birthday girl!

The following week, Gracie had her 6 year check up and had fun showing off the nifty gown she had to wear. No shots! Woot!!

Finally, we were able to have a birthday party! We had decided not to do one, because there was so much going on around her birthday. She finally talked us into it and we invited friends from her class and church. She was even surprised to see her buddy Nolan made it over from Spokane! Nana, Papa and Uncle Chad also came.

How do you keep kids entertained? Make them run!

Okay, they didn't run the whole time! We had some fun!

Stella thought the horse balloons were the perfect size for her to ride!

Then it was time for cupcakes (again)! I need a bigger kitchen...

Opened some fun presents!

And the finale.......

...a new bike!!!

Someone (Birthday Girl) had the bright idea to dance around to Justin Bieber the rest of the party until parents arrived for pick up.
I still can't believe she's 6!

Livia did so well with the whole day. I was really worried that she would be very jealous that the attention wasn't on her, because she's like that. Thankfully, after a morning pep talk, she was pretty good!
After dinner at Time Out Pizza in Othello with my parents and the Crawfords, we ended the night by roasting s'mores in the back yard. This is something I have been dying to do since we have the perfect fire pit out back.
Thanks to all who came and made her day extra special!